As Kalite Tercume, we perform a 3-phase process in projects to maximize the quality of the translation.

The first phase is the translation of texts into the target language. All of our translators hold at least an undergraduate degree in the relevant field of the text to be translated, have a high level of linguistic competence and translation experience, and are specialized in their own field of study.
To avoid semantic shifts, our translators complete the translation phase by remaining faithful to the source text. If the translator encounters difficulties in the text, our project manager sends translator notes to the client to enable these matters to be clarified and to ensure that the meaning is reflected accurately in the translation.

As our corporate procedures require, we send all translations to editors. In projects involving files translated to Turkish, the target texts are checked, and the necessary corrections are made by an in-house editor. Our translators have the opportunity to improve themselves in the relevant field thanks to the editing process. The editor to be responsible for editing the text is selected from among editors specialized in the relevant field. Our editors hold undergraduate, Master’s or PhD degrees from the leading universities of Turkey. Although our translators are experienced in their fields and have a good command of English, a translation should nonetheless be checked by another professional to maximize the quality of the text. Furthermore, in all translations, there is always the risk of language mistakes or other overlooked errors. In the editing phase, our editors focus on issues such as sentence structures, accuracy of the terms, spelling errors, language errors, punctuation, and culturally sensitive points. They also, when necessary, make additions/omissions to ensure fluency of texts in sentence and paragraph transitions, as fluency issues in the source text could be reflected on the target text as well since translation is performed by faithfully adhering to the essence of the original text. The editing phase ensures the maximum quality of the text by resolving these types of fluency issues and eliminating all potential problems. Moreover, all issues about which the client should be informed are conveyed to them as notes.
The third phase involves the final check of a manuscript after the completion of the editing. To ensure the translated texts have the highest language quality, spellchecking and format checks are performed, and quality assurance reports are obtained.

The first phase is the translation of texts into the target language. All translators have at least an undergraduate education in the relevant field of the text to be translated, a high level of linguistic competence and translation experience, and specialization in their fields of study.
To avoid semantic shifts, our translators complete the translation phase by remaining faithful to the source text. If the translator encounters difficulties in the text, our project manager sends translator notes to the client to enable these matters to be clarified and to ensure that the meaning is reflected accurately in the translation.

In projects involving files translated to English, the second phase is the detailed check of the texts by native English-speaking editors who are from the USA, the UK, Canada or Australia.
The editor to edit the text is selected among those who are specialized in the relevant field. Our editors hold an undergraduate, Master’s or PhD degree from the leading universities of the world and have on average 16 years of experience. Although our translators are experienced in their fields and have a good command of English, they are not native speakers of English. Furthermore, in all translations, there is always the risk of language mistakes or other overlooked errors. In the editing phase, our editors focus on issues such as sentence structures, accuracy of the terms, spelling errors, language errors, language errors, punctuation, and culturally sensitive points. They also, when necessary, make additions/omissions to ensure fluency of texts in sentence and paragraph transitions, as fluency issues in the source text could be reflected on the target text as well since translation is performed by faithfully adhering to the essence of the original text. Although not included within the scope of our editing service, our editors can send the client notes to offer them suggestions on issues like presentation and plan of the text, inadequacies concerning the content and unnecessary repetitions.
The third phase involves a control by the translator who had performed the translation of the revisions made by the editor and finalization of the text for delivery. As our editors do not know Turkish, they make corrections based on the target text. Therefore, semantic shifts can be observed in corrected sentences. Our translators check such semantic shifts or language/spelling errors in the proofreading phase. Furthermore, necessary adjustments are made in accordance with term databases, style guides, and checklists.